Fall in love with bra shopping... If you haven't already. Every little girl loves to play dress-up, paint their nails, curl their hair etc. As we grow older these things become more of a chore, more of a have-to than a want-to. We all wake up relieved that its not our hair wash day or that we are just Netflix and chillin' so there's no need for make-up. Of course, there are exceptions to everything. Not everyone feels this way. If you do, my wish for you, is that for just one day you can go back to the mindset of the young girl you once were. Let's face it, a little pampering makes everyone feel better. Step 1: Bra shopping is comparable to a day at the spa. Sure, you laugh, but it's true. What motivates you to go to the spa? Your nail polish is chipping, your pores are clogged ... whatever it is, it gets you there. Think about this for a second. What brings you to a bra store?...
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